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Need a nudge to help you narrow in on the efforts that will drive the greatest impact
in your purpose-driven work?


Watch these videos.

SERIES 1: Prioritizing for impact

how to prioritize your purpose-driven work

You are not alone in having a brain full of commitments, obligations and ambitions. If you do not have a clear plan to help guide the prioritization of your work, check out this series.


Learn how to:

  • Reignite the purpose-driven energy that was coursing through your veins when you first committed to the job you're in now

  • Prioritize your work based on the impact it has on your mission

A Basic Intro (Exercise 1)
Capture Your High Level Goals (Exercises 2-4)

Handout for videos 2, 3, 4:

Understand Who You Spend Your Time On (Exercises 5-8)

Handout for videos 2, 3, 4:

Prioritize Based on Impact (Exercises 9-11)

Handout for videos 2, 3, 4:

Video Series 1

Series 2: Validating ideas quickly

How to test and validate your ideas to ensure you're advancing your mission

Stressed, tired, or deflated that you can't prove the value of the work you do? Or, are you amped about a new idea but need super-fast validation and confirmation of the value it brings, in order to get buy-in from your team, or funders?  If you don't have a quick way to test and validate new ideas, check out this series.


Learn how to: 

  • Slice your highest priority work into bite-sized pieces so you can measure value quickly

  • Determine the downsides of intensive long-term planning 

  • Calculate your capacity for completing work so you know how much to commit to

  • Develop a simple habit for recording and reporting the value of your work

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Video Series 2
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